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ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Placing of Sub-base and Gravel base

Hazard Meaning and Definition

Hazard Meaning and Definition

HAZARD / WORK: Placing of Sub-base and Gravel base


H=High                        M=Medium                   L=Low                               

Significant RisksHML Who May Be Harmed
1Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries.  X   
2Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke  X Employees……………………X
3Cuts, abrasions, broken bones, eye injuries  X Subcontractors………………X
4COSHH related injuries  X Official Visitors……………… 
 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions  X General Public………………. 
 Dust explosion. Poor visibility, respiratory  Injuries    X   
 Injuries to persons in area from Plant / Vehicles  X   
 Deafness, CEMP violation  X   
 Plant on plant incidents. Pedestrian injuries  X   
 Potentially lethal bites  X   
Control Measures
1Planning: Sufficient numbers of trained operatives and competent supervision must be available before work starts.  Sufficient and suitable plant must be available before work starts.  Location of existing services must be complete before work starts, also information obtained on ground conditions from site surveys.  
2Physical: Cable location devices (C.A.T.) and client / Local Authority drawings will be used to trace buried services prior to commencement of work.  Suitable signs and barriers will be provided to warn of the work. A ready supply of cold drinking water together with salt / dextrose tablets will be available. Operatives will work no longer than 45 minutes in the area without a 5 minute break out of the sun. A shaded area will be set up to facilitate this.  
3Managerial/Supervisory: Ensure safe system of work provided, taking account of prevailing conditions including weather, traffic and existing structures.  Provide suitable PPE as required and ensure its correct use.  Ensure personnel selected are capable, fit and experienced.  COSHH assessments are to be made of substances likely to be found or produced during the work.  
4Training: Supervisors must have received training in COSHH appreciation, general site safety, theory and practice of excavation work.  Operatives must have received training in procedures and use of cable location devices.  This applied to sub contractors as well as direct employees. Toolbox talks on MHO’s, COSHH and Noise will be given at regular intervals.
Safety HelmetX Ear Defenders  
Safety BootsX Respiratory Protection 
Safety GlassesX HI Viz (Fluorescent) JacketX
Overalls X Dust Mask  
Gloves X Goggles / Visor  
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