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Serious Delays in Delivery of Pods and Poor Quality of Vanity Marbles

Vanity Counter

Vanity Counter

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Middle East,

                                    P.O.Box xxx,

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Towers Project, Dubai

Subject:                 Serious Delays in Delivery of Pods and Poor Quality of Vanity Marbles

Dear Mr. Yang,

We refer to your letter Ref: xxx dated 19th November xxx received on 20th November xxx evening. Please see below our comments in response to the points raised.

  1. Deliveries
  2. We refute your statement that there are serious delays from our side.
  3. As per the table mentioned in your above referred letter, the delay you are referring to is only for three days, for reasons well known to all parties, and will be discussed below.

The issue is not Xxxx sole problem and cannot be resolved by Xxxx alone.  This issue has to be resolved by all parties by deciding on what is acceptable in terms of color, variance and what kind of cost this selection may involve.

In conclusion and as demonstrated above, these problems are not Xxxx problems.  Xxxx is working within the limitations, specifications and PC rate given by XXXX.  Accordingly, the solution has to be found and agreed by all parties involved.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of  xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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