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Regarding Dewa circular ref no xxx dtd xxx issued

Variation notification

Variation notification

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

    Subject         : Regarding Dewa circular ref no xxx dtd xxx issued along with our commented Electrical drawing.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above, we we would like to inform you that our shop drawings with various refeneces CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/008 to 014.018 to 022  and 0037 to 0041 commented on dtd 13/08/2017   commented along with new Dewa circular and kindly note the following due to Dewa new circular.

  1. Our sub- contractor ref 6268/CEM/2017 dtd 05-08-2017 which are self-explantary for the new requirement from the Dewa.
  2. We are inflorming that there is a cost and time impact to prepare the revised shop drawing and we are attaching the Dewa circular for your ready reference to review the additonal requirement as per Dewa circular and issue the further instruction to carryout the variation work.
  3. We are also forwording the Dewa circular to other sub-contractor to analize the impact of the new circular and provide you the feedback.
  4. Furthermore our drawings were approved with the comments on 9/12/2015 ref no CC/AP/269/16/26 (copy attached) and we submitted the all floor drawing for Dewa by incooperating all loads and now the Dewa submission will be dealyed due to new circular.
  5. Up to 5th floor we carried out the work from the basement aso there will be the modification at many areas in terms of rewiring/ additional DB’s etc. wil be intimated acoordingly.

So, kindly find the attached the document for your ready reference and to advise accordingly for new submission and variation for scope, time and cost, meantime we analizing the quantitative and qualitative impact.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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