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Official correspondence on Agreement


Office checks forms, priority list checks, check mark list and checking paper to do checklists.

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Official correspondence on Agreement

Dear Mr. Prince,

We would like to again bring into your attention that you are failing to send us an official correspondence regarding the agreements we made during our meeting together with the client and consultant. This meeting was held at client site office on 18th December xxx where all parties were had almost finalized the MAS. Please see attached our follow ups and email correspondence send to you since then for your quick reference.

This discussions and agreements are very important for us as a record especially because we started the procurement for majority of the materials based on these discussions. If you can recollect that meeting, the client had insisted SPOA to send an official minutes to Xxx in order to make the discussion an official document for all parties. I had prepared the MOM and send it to you by email to ease the process. Please be informed that Xxx had put our utmost effort on the Material submittals and Design drawings, but it’s very unfortunate that still we haven’t reached to a stage where we can start our production of pods.

We take this opportunity to express our concern regarding the approvals on the MAS and Design Shop drawings which may have an impact on the delivery schedule of this project. Hope you will look into the matter and take the necessary action at the earliest to avoid any further delay in the project.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

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