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Notice of misuse, damage & theft/loss of materials from pods on site

Sanitary Accessories

Sanitary Accessories

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building.

Subject :     Notice of misuse, damage & theft/loss of materials from pods on site

Reference:  a) xxx‐at dated 6 July xxx

                      b) xxx dated 6 July xxx

Dear Sir,

We are writing to raise our deep concern towards the misuse of the pods on site and the abnormal frequency of damages occurring to the installed pod units. Additionally, we also have to raise our serious concern towards the theft/loss of items from inside the pods, including installed lights, sanitary wares and accessories.

We have submitted various damage reports (Appendix 1) that highlight the kind of misuse, damage and loss currently observed for your records.

We have to remind you that most items used in the pods are long lead items which require long procurement times to be replaced, in addition to the cost of replacement and cost of repair which are all on the account of BHC. This was notified to you earlier via letter ref (a).

It must be also noted that at this stage of the project while testing and commissioning, snagging & De snagging are ongoing, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) shall under no circumstances be responsible for any delay/loss of materials/misuse or damage to the pods resulting from the actions of your teams or your subcontractors or for any resulting consequence of such actions.

Please note that extensive damage to the pods, or misuse of the unit, may impact its final quality and performance and therefore lead to voiding its warrantee.

Therefore, we urge you again to instruct your teams to avoid such actions in the future and take all the necessary precautions while working inside or around the pods to avoid such damages or any consequences such actions may lead to.


Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

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