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LED strip light connectors & closure of NCR-ELECT-001

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building.

Subject :     LED strip light connectors & closure of NCR-ELECT-001

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you following our previous Email (appendix 1) with regards to the LED Strip Lights connections to record our response after receiving the inspection (appendix 2) approved with a comment stating “conditional approval contractor to provide manufacturer undertaking letter for responsibility of joint safety”.

First, I would like to remind you that the NCR-ELECT-001 has been received on installed strip lights stating that the strip light was installed in pods using a non approved method by using exposed connector.

However, this strip light is an approved material ref: xxx dated 28 Oct xxx(appendix 3) which comes with a standard wire length of 150mm. As such, a wire length connector is needed to extend the wire to the final connection point and the same has been followed and approved in previous phases.

In addition the material submittal was commented that the installation to be as per manufacturer recommendation and the manufacturer has already guaranteed the materials under the installation method used.

Accordingly the non-conformance is not applicable is this case because we have used approved materials and installed as per the method acceptable by the manufacturer as per the Engineer comment on the material submittal itself.

Second, it must be highlighted that the NCR was received on 04 July xxx for the mockup pods which is a late stage since the pods were delivered to site since April xxx and by the time of NCR, all the pods were already produced and 70% of pods were already delivered to site. (See delivery notes appendix 4)

Therefore a change in the approved material would not have been possible without major abortive works on the completed pods in factory as well as the delivered and installed pods on site. This is due to the fact that all the strip lights would have to be removed from the pods and a new strip light materials would have to be customized by the supplier with a non-standard wire length and reinstalled, with the time and cost implications that this would entail.

As a matter of support from our end, and in order to address the concerns of the Engineer without causing such extensive abortive works, we have reached out to the supplier for solutions that would address the comment of the NCR, and we have put forward a number of solutions that were discussed with the Engineer (appendix 5) who selected the option of ferule that is inspected in mockup flat.

In addition we have provided you with the option to use a waterproof connector (appendix 6) which the Main Contractor decided not to follow and informed us to proceed with the ferule connection (appendix 7).

In the end, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) has done everything reasonably possible and have been trying for the past 7 months to close the NCR received and to meet the requirement of the Engineer but we are surprisingly receiving new comments every time we attempt to close this matter which is not allowing us to close the NCR or to proceed further with the modifications.

For that, we would like you to address this matter with the Engineer and let us know the final decision whether it is acceptable to proceed with the modification for all the pods as per the sample done in the mockup without the need for the letter required which cannot be provided, or if you like to order new strip lights with customized and extended length to suit the requirement.

If a new customized strip light is required, we will advise you on the cost and time required for such abortive works.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will continue to support the Main Contractor and the project within our capabilities but we are not and shall under no circumstances be responsible neither for the delay in closing this matter nor for any abortive works that will result and the time and cost it will require to attend or the impact this works will have on the completion and handing over of the project.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

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